Thursday, March 12, 2009

desperate for food

Yet another adventure of a stay at home Dad...

The other day Laurel got called in to work for the afternoon. They were short handed and we were short funded, so it seemed like a win win situation for everyone involved. I was on a very important phone call and it was time for Laurel to leave for work, so she put a movie on for the kids, knowing that I would be up soon to check on them. Well the call took a little longer than I had planned and I was getting a little nervous because the kids were being so quiet and apparently well behaved. I was hoping that they weren't coloring on the walls or something even worse.

When I got off the phone, I called Laurel to touch base with her on a couple of things, as I headed up the stairs to the kitchen. She informed me that she had made me a sandwich for lunch (which I had missed) and she had left it on the kitchen table. At this point in the conversation, I had already peeked into the living room, very pleased that there was no sign of coloring on the walls. I had also looked for my sandwich, but couldn't locate it, so I asked Laurel again where she had put it for me. She said on the table. I explained that all I saw on the table was a plate with a partially eaten sandwich and what was left of it was somewhat mangled. It looked like one of the kids leftovers that they hadn't finished.

I discovered in a moment that both things were actually true. This was in fact my sandwich, but it had now been reduced to simply the leftovers after Rose had finished with it. She looked up at me with a happy face and announced "Aarrr...I bite it!" How can you argue with a cute face like that?

Monday, March 9, 2009

rose bowl parade

In my last post, I mentioned that my status is now officially listed as "missionary". As such, I am working on raising the financial support needed so I can serve here in NE Ohio. With the economy currently being a little less than desirable, this is a somewhat slow process as you might imagine.

Since my current support level is way below that of the poverty line and my kids like to eat every day, Laurel is currently picking up about 2 days a week with her nursing job and I am staying at home on those two days to take care of the kids. It is somewhat of a challenge for me because I'm not really cut out to be a "stay at home Dad" but it is also a joy to get to spend extra time with the kids while they are small. In addition to pulling my hair out on some days, I also laugh and smile a lot at the things that they do and the memories we are making.

One smile I got last week was from the "rose bowl parade" which took place in our living room. As you can see in the picture below, Rose grabbed a bowl from the kitchen, put it on her head and proceeded to parade around the house humming a happy tune.