Friday, November 21, 2008

we're doing WHAT for Thanksgiving?

When I dropped John off at preschool today, the teacher gave me a booklet they had made telling what each child in his class is doing for Thanksgiving. As I was getting in the van I glanced at John's page, and thought WHAT? That's not what we're doing for Thanksgiving! Then I realized that they had asked each child for their answers and compiled a hilarious book full of stories from a child's perspective. Here is John's...

"John will be going to the Amish Door for Thanksgiving dinner. he said that Grandma and Grandpa and Mamo and Poobah (who live far away) will join them. They will have grapes along with turkey for dinner and candy from John's candy bucket for dessert. He said that Mom and Dad will cook the turkey by putting salt and pepper on it and baking it in the oven for one hour. John is thankful for the Christmas tree and lights".

While we will have turkey for Thanksgiving and we will see both sets of Grandparents, that's about where the similarity ends, and John's imagination begins...

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