Monday, November 23, 2009
kids grow up fast

Friday, October 9, 2009
word problem
I have a word problem for you...
If a family leaves a blue case full of CDs and DVDs on a plane in Denver, Colorado and the plane is cleaned after every flight and all items found are taken to a huge lost and found room as soon as they are found...then where is the blue case full of CDs and DVDs?
The answer? No one knows.
It's been 6 weeks since we left the case on our Frontier flight to Denver, Colorado and they still claim that it has not been found. Kind of makes you wonder...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
which one of these things is not like the other?

Thursday, September 24, 2009
itching, leaking and streaking
Monday, September 14, 2009
garden of the gods
Sunday, September 13, 2009
an inside look at station #1
It's not everyday that you're invited to see things up close and personal at a fire station. While we were in Colorado Springs on vacation, we had the opportunity (through a friend) to do just that. Richie, one of the fireman at station 1, invited us down for a personal tour.
We thought it was pretty cool that they let us get into the fire truck and put on the headsets so we could hear each other talking, and could even hear stuff that dispatch was saying. (We can only assume and hope that they couldn't hear us talking to each other).
After that, they even let us suit up in their fire gear. John wasn't sure he wanted the whole outfit on, but he did like the hat. They dressed me up in the full gear and even strapped on the 40 pound tank of compressed air and had me breath through the mask. The kids thought that was pretty cool, and to be honest, the big kid inside of me was pretty excited
As if that wasn't enough, they also let Laurel and I each go on two separate 911 calls with them that came in while we were there. We strapped ourselves in the truck with four other firemen and off we went with sirens wailing and lights flashing.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
talk about a lot of hot air...
The following are some pictures from the Colorado Balloon Classic in Colorado Springs, which takes place every Labor Day weekend and is one of the largest in the country.
At night, they have a "balloon glow" which is pretty amazing. They inflate the balloons and fire them, but don't actually take off.
7:30am on the other hand is a very different story...
Balloons of all colors, shapes and sizes take to the Colorado blue sky in flight. We were in utter amazement at the size of the Energizer bunny balloon.
Although Rose really liked to look at all of the balloons and watch them take off, her personal opinion was that the "firing" of the balloons was too loud. (Especially when you are surrounded by them on every side).
One of the long standing traditions at the Colorado Balloon Classic is to dip the baskets of the balloons in the lake at Memorial Park just after takeoff. It looked like some of the passengers actually got a little wet, but I'm sure the cheers of the crowd must make it worth it.
Monday, August 31, 2009
day 1
Friday, August 28, 2009
All you can eat fish buffet
I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw Rose standing by the fish aquarium. When I got closer I discovered that she had climbed up on a chair, gotten out the bottle of fish food, and dumped the entire container into the aquarium. Obviously not very happy with this discovery, I said "Rose Derry, why did you do that?" Her reply, "they were hungry, Daddy".
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Through the eyes of a child
A few nights ago, I was putting Rose to bed while Laurel was doing the same with John. After going through the other bedtime rituals that are the standard at our house, it was time to pray. Rose now likes to add bits and pieces of thoughts to the prayer. For example, she likes to say things like "tanks for da milk, an for my plate". Another thing she likes to request prayer for also is "for grampa, cause he feels sick". This night was no exception. She asked prayer for grandpa and then I added "and we pray for Grandma as she helps take care of Grandpa". To which Rose, in a voice most sweet added "yeah....he's heavy".
It took me a few seconds to try and figure out what she meant by her comment, but then I realized that all she has ever known about being sick, is that we carry her around in our arms, while she hugs our neck and snuggles close. I guess that must have been the picture she had in her mind of Grandma taking care of Grandpa.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
desperate for food

Monday, March 9, 2009
rose bowl parade
Since my current support level is way below that of the poverty line and my kids like to eat every day, Laurel is currently picking up about 2 days a week with her nursing job and I am staying at home on those two days to take care of the kids. It is somewhat of a challenge for me because I'm not really cut out to be a "stay at home Dad" but it is also a joy to get to spend extra time with the kids while they are small. In addition to pulling my hair out on some days, I also laugh and smile a lot at the things that they do and the memories we are making.
One smile I got last week was from the "rose bowl parade" which took place in our living room. As you can see in the picture below, Rose grabbed a bowl from the kitchen, put it on her head and proceeded to parade around the house humming a happy tune.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
missed the boat again

Numerous times during our stay we took the free water taxi across to the other side to eat in one of the many local restaurants or to explore the historic district of Savannah.

It ran on a schedule (more or less) and we enjoyed it as part of our overall experience. However it became a little frustrating to us on Monday when we went down to get on the water taxi and cross over to the other side for lunch. We walked out the door only to discover that the water taxi was already pulling away, a minute or two ahead of scheule. Since it takes about 30 minutes for it to make one complete trip (there are a total of three stops) we decided to go pack the rest of our stuff, check out early and check our bags at the front desk. Then we would catch the next taxi across the river, have lunch, and head straight to the airport when we got back to the motel.
All went according to plan until we headed out to catch the water taxi again to go across and have lunch. You guessed it. We missed the boat again! It was just pulling away, once again a minute or two ahead of schedule. So we headed to the airport early and had lunch there with another couple from our group before flying to Atlanta and making our connection to continue our trip home. Thankfully we did NOT miss our flight (they were on schedule).
Sunday, February 1, 2009
more is not always better
Here is my case in point. A year or so ago, John got a box of crayons. It's not a box of 8 or 12 or even 24. I'm talking about the box of 96 crayons with the built in sharpener on the back. This is for those children who are really serious about coloring. And it comes in really handy during those moments where you need burnt umber or chartreuse. At the time we got John the box of crayons it seemed like a good idea. But here-in lies the problem.
Rose is a few weeks short of being 2 and she does not fully comprehend that crayons are for paper. No, in her mind, crayons were created to draw all over any empty space that you might encounter. The wall, the table, the floor, and most recently the front of the microwave in our downstairs kitchenette.
What I'm realizing is that it is nearly impossible to keep track of 96 crayons. Just when you think you have them all safely stored away, she finds a stray one and decorates something with it. I'm pretty sure I could keep track of 8 crayons...maybe even 12. And you can make a decent picture with those basic colors, right? The sky is blue, the grass is green, the trees are brown. In this case, maybe simple is good.
Friday, January 30, 2009
forward thinking
What do you mean "what is it"? You can't tell? It's a mobile cell phone tower. This is the very thing that will make it possible in the future for you to never miss another call because you're in a remote area, or drop a call because of a weak signal or a dead spot. "Can you hear me now" will be a thing of the past. All because of John who is a forward thinker.
Now, I know what you're thinking. It's a little large to hook on behind your car, and a little too high to go under the underpasses on the highway. There's always at least one sceptic in every crowd. But are you forgetting that the first computer took up an entire city block? Now you can fit one in your pocket. Keep in mind that this is just the first prototype. The design will keep being tweaked and redesigned over time. And before you know it, everyone will have one. And you'll be able to say that you knew John when....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
two words...sticker back

Saturday, January 10, 2009
snow fun

In addition to sledding (and shoveling our long driveway) we also made snow angels and a big honkin' snowman. Then when we came back inside, we all had a cup of hot cocoa. Today was one of those days that good old fashioned family memories are made of.
Two days ago (on Thursday) on the other hand was not one of those days. I took Rose to the YMCA for her parent/baby swim class only to discover that I had forgotten my swimsuit. I left the "Y" and went to the grocery store and then back home...only to discover when I got home that I had left my groceries at the store. I guess it's a good thing that I don't have dentures or a hair piece yet, or I probably wouldn't be able to remember where I left those either.
Hopefully the kids will still have a few more fun days and good memories with Dad before they have to put me in the nursing home.