Rose isn't quite talking in full sentences yet (after all she's not quite 2 yet) but she is definately talking. She communicates in broken sentences making all of her wants and wishes known. She's so darn cute and polite (always saying please and thank you) that it's hard not to give in to her every request. Rose stopped by my office (in our basement) yesterday, as she often does when she's in the area, just to say hello and give Daddy a hug. When she came in yesterday, she pointed to my pad of post it notes and said "sticker". She repeated this a few times, until I ripped off the top note, which had a phone number I no longer needed, and handed it to Rose. To which she replied, "no...back!" She wanted me to stick it on her back, which is what they do in the church nursery and at the YMCA when she's in childcare. She wore the post it on her back until it was time for her nap, and then I peeled it off without being detected and snuggled her into her crib to drift off to dreamland.

1 comment:
Don't kids say the darndest things! They absorb everything and it all comes out, little by little. She sure is a cutie!
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